Saturday, July 23, 2011

Liver Detox Diet

Liver Detox Diet – Your complete diet plan

Liver detox diet can be of great help to enhance liver health. Liver is responsible to complete a lot many functions in the human body. Even after suffering from innumerable abuse because of alcohol and several other drugs, it doesn’t fall short of its functions. Still it is quite a neglected organ of the human body. Hence, it is imperative that the toxicity levels of the liver should be bought down with an effective liver detox diet, so that the liver is better able to perform its function and bless you with good health all through your life. 

Getting prepared

Before you get started, the body of an individual should first be prepared for the liver detox diet, for maximum benefit. So, a person must stop consuming caffeine, fatty food, alcohol, meat, junk food and decaf at least a week before they plan to get started with their detox diet.
Switching over to vegetables and fresh fruits along with increased intake of water, wheat bread and less consumption of sugar is the right thing to do. You may include turmeric powder and rosemary tea in your diet and start taking artichoke and dandelion supplements.

The one week liver detox diet

The duration of a liver detox diet is one week.

1-3 days

During this time, you have to take entirely liquid diet. This would mean drinking 10-12 water glasses everyday along with freshly squeezed lime juice. It is advisable not to take any beverages at this time, including milk, milk shakes, yoghurt and others. 
You may feel fatigued in these three days as the toxins are flushed out fro your system. Little exercise or walk will be a good idea. This speeds up the elimination process of toxins.

4-6 days

You can now take freshly squeezed fruit juices that are prepared from organically matured vegetables and fruits. The intake of water remains the same as in the previous phase, though the addition or elimination of lemon juice is your call now.
Prepare a juice every morning, using celery, oranges and apples and carrots. Continue with drinking rosemary tea, twice or thrice, everyday. 
Boil four different kinds of vegetables every afternoon, such as broccoli, carrots, spinach, celery and potatoes and prepare their vegetable broth. Once you have chopped the vegetables, boil them, filter them and drink its broth after an interval or every three hours.

7th day

Fresh vegetables and fruits that are grown organically can now be included in your diet. You may steam them or consume them raw. Rosemary tea and intake of water remains the same. Do not forget to take your dandelion supplement.
This is a perfect liver detox diet. Now, you can gradually switch over to your normal diet, though it is good to restrict alcohol beverages for at least one more week after the completion of diet.

After  I go through 7 day program, I use Liver Nano-Detox, 8oz, Premier Research Labs Liver-Nano detox .

Quantum Liver Nano-Detox supports rapid pain relief, often clearing pain within minutes.  It also supports the body's natural histamine process and cellular DNA repair.  Most importantly, Liver Nano-Detox facilitates optimal liver and gallbladder cleansing especially when used in conjunction with liver and gallbladder cleansing programs.  Additionally, Liver Nano-Detox helps stimulate the flow of bile, aids in fat digestion, encourages healthy blood lipids and promotes the rejuvenate of the liver.

Nanized, grade 10, ayurvedic Indian turmeric; Promotes pain relief and DNA repair, aids fat digestion, helps rejuvenate the liver. Supports the bodies natural histamine process. Enourages healthy blood lipids.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Chlorella Restores Health; Cure Cancer, Lyme, Autoimmune

Many diseases seem to be on the rise throughout the world. For this reason, people are looking for ways to prevent, treat and reverse the effects of these diseases and the chlorella benefits cannot be discounted. Some diseases that may benefit from the inclusion of chlorella in the diet include all types of cancer, hypoglycemia, depression, intestinal ulcers and asthma. Even things that may not be overly severe, such as constipation and body odor, can benefit from the use of this product. Once you start taking chlorella, you will notice an improvement in your overall health and will feel better as a result. In fact, many consider chlorella to be the perfect food.

There are many different brands you can find in health food stores or online. I personally use This Brand.

Another of the chlorella benefits is that it helps the body to break down metallic toxins. These toxins include lead, cadmium and mercury among others. The use of this product is also great for strengthening the response of your immune system. Japan, in particular, has focused on chlorella and its ability to help detoxify the body and neutralize or remove toxins and substances that are poisonous. Studies in the United States and Europe have backed up these findings . This process can take anywhere from three to six months and will depend in large part on how much chlorella you have added to your diet.

Chlorella benefits include, but are not limited to:

Helping your heart to utilize magnesium - Magnesium is essential for proper heart function. Chlorella also helps to prevent anemia while  stimulating the body to product more red blood cells.
Improving your digestive system - Chlorella helps to eliminate bad breath as well as foul smelling stools. Constipation is also relieved with the use of this product.
Fighting cancer - Interferon helps your body fight cancer. Chlorella increase interferon levels. Additionally, this helps to boost the immune system.
Balancing the pH levels of the body - Our body's pH level is ideally between 7.2 and 7.4. This is considered neutral. Often though this drops as we eat junk food or processed foods. This allows diseases to start and grow.
Normalized blood pressure and blood sugar - Low blood sugar leads to improper brain and heart function. Your body also doesn't metabolize energy properly. High blood pressure can lead to strokes and/or heart attacks.
Chlorella is a whole food, one that is a complete protein. It contains all of the essential B vitamins as well as vitamins C and E. In addition, chlorella contains all of the major minerals including iron and zinc. Not only does this food boost the immune system, it also accelerates healing and protects against radiation. Chlorella benefits include help in the prevent of degenerative diseases, relief from arthritis pain, help in losing weight and aid in Candida albicans treatment.

If you are looking for one food that can do it all, look no further than chlorella. A number of studies have proven the chlorella benefits and you can receive these also. No matter what you are suffering from, be it joint and tissue inflammation, high blood pressure, diabetes or mineral deficiencies, chlorella can help. Your overall health will improve and you can live life to the fullest.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Raw Vegan Diet-- Cure to Lyme, Cancer, Autoimmune

The Amazing Benefits
Of The Raw Vegan Diet
Since I have moved to San Diego, I turned to raw vegan (I have been a vegetarian for years...)
Forget cooked or gourmet vegan, if you really want to be healthy -raw vegan is the way to go. The key word here is RAW. Anything that is cooked, fired, or heated above 118°F, and processed, is unhealthy for you, even if it is labeled "vegan". LIVE foods, in their natural untampered state is what it's all about. Cooked food is dead food and quickly spoils and becomes toxic in your system. Live raw food does not spoil or decompose quickly and is packed with energy, minerals, vitamins, and everything you need to stay healthy.Most of the world's population still thrives on a plant-based diet, much of it raw. It is largely here in the "modern" Western world where the animal-based diet dominates. Animal-based diets which include meat, dairy, and eggs, are responsible for most of our modern diseases and illnesses. Meat and milk alone, especially in their processed states, are the primary causes of a slew of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, and a host of other maladies. Grains, which are plant-based but artificially farmed or produced, can also be problematic, especially wheat and white-flour based products.
Most of these foods cannot be eaten raw and must be cooked, processed, or treated before we can ingest them, and that is where the problem begins. Cooking not only kills the food destroying its nutrients or enzymes, it changes its composition and makes it very difficult for the body to digest or process. Perhaps even worse than the cooking are the chemicals and additives(sugar and salt being major) in our food which are extremely harmful and addictive. Most foods are becoming increasingly tampered with both chemically and genetically. That is why it is best to go to a local farmer's market and buy fresh and/or organic rather than rely on your supermarket. Corporate mass-producers of food are only interested in profit, not health.
Even better than relying on farmers is growing the food yourself. If you have a garden or plot of land, count yourself lucky. Turn that useless lawn into a fruit and vegetable garden. For those in the colder climates, greenhouses, solariums and indoor crop growing are becoming increasingly feasible. Compost makes the best fertilizer. Most of us, however, still need to rely on the markets, so be picky and demand fresh quality produce, free of any pesticides or other chemicals.
The raw vegan diet is plant-based and basically includes raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and nut pastes or butters, seeds, grain and legume sprouts, plant oils, herbs, and fresh juices -preferably organic. Organic produce, though more expensive, is much sweeter-tasting and healthier than non-organic. Switching to a raw vegan diet from the modern cooked diet can be a huge step and may produce a serious detox crisis so it is advisable to first take intermediate steps like going vegetarian or vegan and getting off of refined sugar and salt and other harmful or addictive chemicals. Bread, baked goods and flour or grain products in general are perhaps the most addictive foods of all. Our modern Western diet is very taste-oriented and we are basically all drug addicts, so this is the hardest part to get over before you can enjoy the benefits of a natural raw diet, but the fight will be worth it. It usually takes about a month or two for the old food cravings to subside or vanish, depending on your particular state, or method of transition.
One of the first effects of the raw food diet is the weight you will lose. No matter how much raw fruits or veggies you eat you will never gain weight. You will in fact LOSE weight, especially if you are unhealthy or overweight. It is the perfect weight loss diet! The reason we gain a lot of weight on cooked or processed foods is because the body must retain more water to neutralize all the toxins you accumulate on suc a diet. When you eat raw and organic there are no toxins to dilute or neutralize so all that water(toxins included) is flushed out. Also, raw live foods are much easier to digest or assimilate putting less burden on your digestive system and more time into cleaning or repairing your body. For those of you who can't chew or digest properly, a blender or processor is the solution. Smoothies are alright, especialy in the mornings or start of your day, but eating your fruits and veggies whole is always best(as nature intended). All that chopping and grinding chases away much of the life force and there is always the danger of metal or plastic residue going into your food. Many complain about becoming too skinny on the raw vegan diet, but that's usually because there's a lot of damage, addiction, or repair to take care of. Once the cleansing and repair work is done you will naturally regain some weight or whatever your body deems is ideal for you. Most of us are much heavier than we should be.
The other effect of the raw food diet is of course the way you look and feel. Once you're past the detox phase, your energy or strength will soar and so will your alertness or concentration. Gone will be your aches and pains or whatever was chronically ailing you. Your eyes will become brighter, your skin softer, and your gait or step faster and better coordinated. Best of all you will slow down or even reverse the aging process, especially if you combine this diet with fasting. Sometimes special cleanses are necessary to get rid of those tough and pesky parasites or deeply inbedded toxins which can impede or slow down your healing process.
Healthier, of course, also means happier. You will radiate joy and confidence and will wonder why everyone else is not eating this way. But you must persist. Most people give up too early, often after a few days or weeks into raw diet. It takes at least a month or two to start appreciating the benefits. Things start to stablize after two or three months. If you are old or in bad shape it is only natural that you will have to wait longer to correct or reverse all those years of indulgence, neglect and abuse. For such, the cleansing and rebuilding process could take anywhere from a several months to several years.
Not only will you be doing yourself a favor on the raw vegan diet, but the planet as well. Can you imagine if everyone was a raw vegan? No more disease or pain. No more pollution, industry, or corruption. Everyone would be healthy and happy and the animals and the planet itself would benefit enormously and be greatful. Real food is raw and live and good for you and produced and packaged by nature herself, ready to be eaten and enjoyed. Everything else is man's perversion or experimentation and carries with it a high price. Be smart, be healthy, be a raw vegan!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Juice Fasting Cure

Juice fasting makes every other natural method work faster: massage therapy works faster for fibromyalgia, acupuncture works faster for pain, energy healing is sped up, etc. Juice fasting is a multidimensional experience in which total body transformation occurs. There are a wide range of metabolic changes and experiences. The blood and lymph are detoxified. When juice fasting, the release of toxins from the colon, kidneys, bladder, lungs, sinuses, and skin clears out complications that have arisen from a bad diet and unhealthy lifestyle. The benefits of following a juice fast include heightened spiritual awareness and relaxation of the body, mind, and emotions. Many people feel a sense of letting go of pain from the past and developing a positive attitude towards the present. During juice fasting, the body is able to clean out its system because it is not expending energy towards the digestive organs.
Raw juices contain certain natural medicines, vegetal hormones and antibiotics. For instance, string beans are said to contain insulin-like substance. Certain hormones needed by the pancreas to produce insulin are present in cucumber and onion juices. Fresh juices of tomatoes, garlic, onions, and radish contain antibiotic properties.
Juice fasting fruits and vegetable juices may be divided into six main types. These are:
  1. Juices from acid fruits like orange, lemon, grapefruit, strawberry and pineapple.
  2. Juices from vegetable fruits, namely, tomato and cucumber.
  3. Juices from green leafy vegetables like cabbage, celery, lettuce, spinach, parsley and watercress.
  4. Juices from root vegetables like beetroot, carrot, onion, potato and radish. Generally speaking, fruit juices stir up toxins and acids in the body, thereby stimulating the eliminative processes. Vegetable juices, on the other hand, soothe the jaded nerves and work in a much milder manner. They carry away toxic matter in a gentle way. Owing to their differing actions fruit and vegetable juices should not be used at the same time or mixed together. It is desirable to use juices individually. In any case when juice fasting not more than three juices should be used in any one mixture.
  5. Juices from sweet fruits such as prunes and grapes.
  6. Juices from sub-acid fruits like apple, plum, pear, peach, apricot and cherry.
Juice fasting is also safer than water fasting because it supports the body nutritionally while cleansing and probably even produces a better detoxification and quicker recovery time.
While juice fasting the stomach actually shrinks to its original size (the size of your fist).  After three days of just ingesting raw organic and fresh juices, broth and tea, you will lose all cravings for solid food.  Your mind might tell you otherwise, but your body is very content.  When you just drink your food, your stomach gets a physiological rest, allowing the colon to shed old compacted and putrefied material that was waiting there to cause future disease. What exactly is juice fasting?

A juice fast is a liquid, nourishing diet consisting of just juice and water. Many natural healers have combined periods of fasting with certain supplements which help to speed up the benefits of the fast.
The favorable effect of raw juices in the treatment of disease is attributed to the following facts:
  • The juices extracted from raw fruits & vegetables require no digestion & almost all their vital nutrients are assimilated directly in the bloodstream.
  • Raw juices are extremely rich in alkaline elements.  This is highly beneficial in normalizing acid alkaline balance in the blood & tissues as their is over acidity in most conditions of ill health.
  • Raw juices of fruits & vegetables are extremely rich in vitamins & minerals, trace elements, enzymes & natural sugars.  They exercise beneficial effect in normalizing all the body functions.  They supply needed elements for the body's own healing activity & cell regeneration thereby speeding the recovery.
  • Raw juices contain certain natural medicines, vegetal hormones & antibiotics.  For instance, string beans are said to contain insulin like substance.  Certain hormones needed by the pancreas to produce insulin are present in cucumber & onion juices.  Fresh juices of garlic, onions, radish & tomatoes contain antibiotic substances.
  • Generous amounts of easily assimilable organic minerals in raw juices especially calcium, potassium & silicon help in restoring biochemical & mineral balance in the tissues & cells, thereby preventing premature aging of cells & disease.