Monday, October 4, 2010

Lyme Success Story Sea Salt and Vit C

I took 1000 mg of Vit C and a little less
than a 1/4 tsp of course rock sea salt with 8 oz. of water every hour for 12
hours, for one day. The next morning I wanted to get out of bed for the
first time since I can remember. I have been bit by ticks more than once in
Northern Califonia which carries lymes disease. I now live in Montana where
doctors think it is not an issue. I have been dealing with chronic fatigue,
chronic rashes, night sweats, hives, intense mucle aches, brain fog,
depression from frustation and being misunderstood by all my friends and
family for years. I first got bit 15 years ago and I have had health issues

I also got ill of a contanminated well two years ago and have not been
able to clear the bacteria from my body as I drank the water from my house
for many months not knowing it was contaminated. I believe this rememdy
could potentially work for any kind of bacteria, fungus or virus. I only
did the treatment for one day and the next two days I flushed my system with
tons of water. My lips became pickled from so much salt and I figured my
organs were too, so I took a break and I still feel great. I want to do the
treatment again the next day I am home all day.

I also am a massage therapist and study healing, since I have been so ill
for years, I have been educating myself for a long time. This is the first
rememdy that works. Althougth I did try intraveneous vit C with a holistic
health doctor to clear viruses, but it was 80 bucks three times a week!! I
also had discovered a sea salt purge cleanse that I did in Hawaii with
another holitistic doctor, and it was violent on my body, although it did
work for a time. The combination of sea salt and C is the magic and at such
a low cost and mild dsicomfort, it is a miracle that makes perfect sense.
Thank you for publishing your findings, I am sharing the good news with
others who need help and will encourage them to get your report.
Blessing to you and to all who suffer, may the healing continue!!!

Linda Kocher ”

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