Monday, April 26, 2010

US Government Admits Lyme Disease Is A Bioweapon

The existence of the Lyme disease epidemic is officially covered up in the UK, its myriad presentations routinely misdiagnosed as everything from "M.E." to MS to hypochondria. This is the first admission by a US government body that the cause is an incapacitating biowar agent:

SAN ANTONIO (AP) -- The $10.6 million Margaret Batts Tobin Laboratory Building will provide a 22,000-square-foot facility to study such diseases as anthrax, tularemia, cholera, lyme disease, desert valley fever and other parasitic and fungal diseases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified these diseases as potential bioterrorism agents.

So, for the first time, a US government body admits that Lyme disease is a biological warfare agent. This is the reason that hundreds of thousands of men, women and children around the world have been left to rot with wrong diagnoses, or have had their Lyme disease acknowledged but been told that it is an "easily-treated" disease, given 3 weeks' antibiotics, then told to shove off when their symptoms carried on after that.

In Britain the existence of the epidemic is denied completely, and virtually no effort made to warn or educate the public about the dangers of ticks, which carry the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi.

The Borrelia genus has been a subject of biowar experimentation at least as far back as WW2, when the infamous Japanese Unit 731, which tortured and experimented on live prisoners, studied it.

The reality is, Lyme disease is for many a chronic, horrendous, incapacitating disease producing crippling fatigue, constant pain, loss of memory, possible paralysis, psychosis, blindness and even death.

It was an ideal biowar agent because it evades detection on routine tests, has an enormous range of different presentations, and can mimic everything from ADHD to multiple sclerosis to carpal tunnel syndrome to rheumatoid arthritis to chronic fatigue syndrome (M.E.) to lupus to schizophrenia. Enemy medical staff would never know what had hit them, nor even that ONE illness had hit their population, rather than an unexplained rise in dozens of known conditions.

Honest doctors and scientists who tried to treat or research Lyme disease according to ethical principles have been viciously persecuted by government-backed organizations in the US, Europe and elsewhere. Many specialists in the US were threatened with loss of their license or had anonymous, false allegations sent to the medical board, which tied them up in mountains of paperwork and legal fees...some were forced out of medicine or even driven to suicide.

Instead, medical disinfo agents, most of whom have a background in military/biowarfare units, such as Dr Allen Steere, Mark Klempner, Philip Baker, Edward McSweegan, David Dennis, Alan Barbour etc were enabled to assume top positions in Lyme research , CDC, NIH etc from where they issued false information, covering up the true seriousness and chronic nature of the disease, and condemned untold numbers to a living hell.

Please help Lyme patients publicize this scandal, which has caused suffering on a massive scale. Contact me by email if you are interested in helping.

Thank you.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Under Our Skin

Cure Lyme with ASD

(ASD) Antiseptic stimulant Dorogova
1)-Kills microorganism (Lyme, babesiosis, bartonella, salmonella, streps). ASD has a strong impact on microbes, alters their metabolism, cleans them, changing the culture of microbes, and this makes it possible to get the new vaccine.
2) - GYNECOLOGY .- № 2 fraction is used inside to 120 drops, the same principle and flushing 1% solution.
3) - Kidney disease and gastro-intestinal tract .- Treatment too.
4) - gastric ulcer, 12 duodenal ulcer, colitises chronic and acute. Applicable fraction number 3, 5% solution of alcohol, reception on one station. spoon fasting.
5) - Skin diseases. - Eczema, prurigo, nettle fever - cured fraction № 2. Admission depends on the state of the nervous system, inside a 30 - 120 Cap. and can be used fraction № 3 (cream) and compresses the 20% solution of fraction № 2.
6) - nervous disorders. - Faction № 2. Inside of 20 drops to 30 depending on the condition of the nervous system, once a day on an empty stomach.
7) - Eye diseases. - Inflammatory disorders treated fraction number 2, is used inside the above recipe and flushing.
8) - Ear Disease. - Inflammatory disorders treated fraction number 2 of 20 drops to 120., Locally used compresses, rinsing.
9) - Gout, rheumatism. - Inflammation of the lymphatic system, are treated as with eczema, compression of the fraction number 2 on painful joints and inside of 20 drops on the general principle.
10) - Obesity. - Treated with fraction number 2 as in liver disease.
11) - BRUTSILEZ. - On the principle of treatment of tuberculosis.
12) - toothache erythematosus. - Used inside the 120 cap. fraction number 2, local factions № 3 compresses the drug. The drug is given once a day on an empty stomach 30-40 minutes before eating. In order to compress gauze is applied over the parchment paper, in order to prevent evaporation of the drug, then applied a thick layer of cotton wool and tape up 1-2 cm.
13) - CANCER - drug SDA faction № 2 stops its further development, fast pain relief. Take 120 cap on the 0.5 cups of water 2 times a day.
14) - Tuberculosis can be cured completely. The best method of treatment for tumors - Reception ASD, fraction number 2, after 2-3 months there is complete recovery. The drug is similar to ASD insulin for diabetes, if he / diabetes / - is not running. The disease is cured. Dose ASD F-2 to humans through the use of inside for 30-40 min. before eating. Five in a row and continue as above.

(ASD) Antiseptic stimulant Dorogova

(ASD) Antiseptic stimulant Dorogova has been found to have the following effects on the human system:

The drug ASD affects endocrine, immune, autonomic system. The active effect of SDA on the immune system can greatly improve the immune system, which allows the body itself to fight diseases such as tuberculosis, asthma, myocarditis, colitis, polyarthritis, angina pectoris, peptic ulcer disease, rheumatic heart disease, neurosis, holitsistit and cancer at any stage, gynecological diseases, skin (eczema, fungal skin infections, dermatitis, trophic ulcers, pruritus, urticaria, fever), nerve, eye and ear diseases of inflammatory nature, gout, rheumatism, inflammation of the lymph nodes, glands, bone tuberculosis, hypertension, diseases of the genitourinary system, sexually transmitted disease, enuresis, with vascular spasm of limbs, impotence, atony of the stomach, helps with hair loss, etc.

Reproduces protein enzymes in system

Strengthens enzyme structure

Normalizes differentiated cells

Responsible for release of negative cells from body by switching electrical frequency

Oxygenates all cells

Immune system stimulant, i.e. T cells

Reorganizes electrical system

Enhances oxygen to brain

Restores blood parameters to normal

Reduces excess fluid in heart, feet, ankles, wrists and lungs

Actively restores elimination through skin, urine and feces

Stimulates positive systemic nutrients in system

Restores equilibrium (homeostasis) to body tissues and fluids

Preventative, strongest of all anti-oxidants

Transdermal poultice effect immediate, within five seconds

Decreases all malignancies promptly

Works on twelve hour cycle, most effective when taken once daily preferably in the morning

Reduces mycosis in system

About (ASD) Antiseptic Stimulant Dorogova

Immediately after the war one of the "boxes" was a secret government order. The scientists had to create a drug that in the case of chemical warfare to protect people and animals from exposure to chemicals and radiation. This product was developed in 1946 and applied in practice Alexei Vlasyevich Dorogov.

The preparation was kept secret and they enjoyed the highest state officials.

In 1950, AV Dorogova been issued a certificate of authorship on the iso-vention of SDA, and in 1951 revealed the drug. He was allowed Pharmaco-logical Committee of the Ministry of Health for production and use and was included in the "Pharmacopoeia" Mashkovskiy.

During this period, AV Dorogov treated people from various diseases, even cancer in advanced.

So what is ASD?

Even in 1941, academician Vladimir Petrovich Filatov, USSR (1875-1956) established the doctrine of biogenic stimulators, which are formed in each cell of an isolated living tissue in disadvantaged circumstances. That is, as a result of the struggle for survival of cells to release liquids biogenic stimulators, in other words, the fabric at a certain stage of their destruction secretes.

As a result the fractional distillation of meat and bone meal and animal materials to Professor A. Dorogova could be divided into 3 fractions ASD with different functional applications. In 1950 he treated mostly faction № 1 SDA - the most active.

The whole medical world understood that this powerful drug is a big competitor to traditional methods of conservative treatment. AV Dorogova offered large rewards, if only he would stop further studies of SDA in the treatment of virtually all diseases, but he refused, and result was murdered in his car at the age of 42 years.

Professor A. Way to create a number of medical preparations and methods of treatment of various diseases in humans and animals. However, the most notable was the drug of SDA.

The case is currently continuing his father's daughter - Dorogova Olga, an allergist-immunologist.

The peculiarity of this drug, primarily in the fact that there are no synthetic compounds. SDA is a 100% natural product, so it is not toxic and does not cause allergic reactions;

- The second feature - the domestic origin. We know that drugs are most useful and effective for the inhabitants of those regions which, based on local materials are produced these drugs;

- The third feature of the SDA - it is his versatility. The drug, due to its unique formula and high biological activity, stimulates all body systems;

- A fourth advantage - SDA does not react with other drugs;

- The fifth feature - ASD excreted through the lungs and has no cumulative effect, in contrast to many other drugs.
So what's the secret of this drug? It is a product of the thermal splitting of animal tissues. Sublimation fabrics ensures the gradual decomposition of organic matter (proteins, fats, carbohydrates and nucleic acids) to low molecular weight components, which in its structure similar to the metabolites of cellular metabolism and, consequently, are characterized by a living organism. Therefore, the drug has neither the histological nor the species specificity. Antigenic and toxic properties are not available.
ASD is a liquid preparation prepared from animal tissue by a special technique, SDA produced in 2 fractions of N 2, N 3. 
ASD is a volatile liquid is dark red, with a peculiar odor. ASD - 2 well soluble in water, has an alkaline reaction. ASD - 3 liquid, slightly soluble in alcohol and fats. In the presence of nervous exhaustion and increasing nervousness, faction may be imposed on a doctor's prescription, according to the rules specified in the table.

My Lyme Success Story

I am writing to you because I am stock with my health-issue and I don't know where to go. When I talk to mybest friend, she tells me that it's in my head and today she was even asking if I am sure I have Lyme. I was partially paralyzed, I was in ER with crazy symptoms, I am experiencing horrible symptoms every day, I am not insane to fabricate all of this! If you doubt also, I can continue .. I went to best MD's in NYc, they all agreed I have Lyme, biofeedback I am doing now shows Lyme and coinfections.
Even though I am not a fan of conventional med, I was on antibiotics for 2 month! It did not help. I am taking 50 tablets of herbs every day and I don't know if they work...
Every morning I wake just to get some new symptoms. I had inflammation in my body that caused horrible muscle and joint pain, I was still dealing with that with an attitude that it's a healing crisis and it's gonna get only better. I have fatigue and low energy every day, I manage to go to school, but I am not able to work anymore ... Now I am afraid it's getting worse, because it affecting my brain. A week ago I could not find my car and called 911, i was sure the spot where I parked it was empty, I though the car got stolen. I found it on next block. Yesterday I was not able to recall my own phone number ( I know, Tanya told me it happens to everyone, but it does not! I know when I am normal and when I am not) Today I was not able to study, I had brain fog all day long , and on a test in school I was not able to remember anything I studied for the past year. Lyme makes me extremely anxious and paranoid.
I am getting biofeedback treatments which I feel helping me, but I can not afford more than 2 a week, I am getting acupuncture, taking all possible herbs, but I dont know if I ever get better.
I did so much research and as most "sufferers know, there really isn’t much real science as it pertains to the treatment of Lyme Disease. Many “LLMDs” (Lyme literate medical doctors) disagree about how to treat patients, and no LLMD I have heard of has astonishing success. With Lyme Disease, its almost always hit-and-miss. Maybe “Lyme Literate Medical Doctors” should be renamed: “Doctors Desperately Fighting A Losing Battle.”
So, I believe that my “hands on, patient perspective” approach is extremely valuable in light of this confusing, misunderstood, devastating disease, and in light of the fact that tried-and-true “medicine” continues to fail us. If antibiotics did work all the time, I wouldn’t be writing this.

As I began to understand that M.D.’s don’t have all the answers, I began to look elsewhere. I took a new approach, I began studying and trying things that helped REAL people feel better. I am quite certain than many reading this post know exactly what I’m talking about – instead of listening to doctors, you start desperately searching for something to take the edge of, to give you your life back. You interview other Lyme patients and ask what has worked. I encountered various herbs, alternative treatments, acupuncture, homeopathy, essential oils, you name it. All these are wonderful treatments; all hold their place in the big picture of health. However – in my case, while some of these helped, the help was insignificant and very discouraging. I kept asking myself, “how is this treatment going to get the spirochetes out?”